Below is a list of the family names of people buried at the Red River Cemetery.
Anderson Andrews Bailey Baker Bean Beaty Beauchamp Bell Blewett Blythe Bowling Boyd Brawner Brian Brien Bromm Brown Burke Burr Burton Butt Campbell Cannon Cardwell Carmack |
Carter Clark Cook Corbin Cornwell Crocker Cummings Davis Dickason Dodson Doss Dowell Downey Drane Eddy England Ewing Fetter Fisher Fitzgerald Fitzhugh Fort Foster Freas Frease |
Freeman Gallaher Gilbert Gillum Gordon Gorham Grayson Grow Gunderson Gunn Haden Hampton Hankins Hays Hayes Heaton Hobdy Holland Jennings Jiant Judkins Keeton King Link Maddux |
Mantlo Martin Mayes McMurtry McPherson Meyer Mobley Moore Munday Offutt Orndorff Oslin Paisley Parker Parrish Pence Penick Pope Ramsey Roberts Robertson Russell Ryan Sanders Scott |
Shelton Simmons Sircy Soyars Spence Spencer Sprout Staggs Stricklin Summers Townsend Turner Waller Warner Warren Watson White Wilgus Wilson Wooden Wooldridge Woolley Yates |
Detailed cemetery information on each of these names may be seen in the Logan County, Kentucky Cemeteries 2000 book edition at the Logan County Public Library or Logan County Archives located in Russellville, Kentucky. This book may be purchased from the Logan County Genealogical Society, Inc. You may contact them by mail at P. O. Box 853, Russellville, Kentucky 42276-0853, by telephone (270) 726-8179, or by website at