The Second Great Awakening
began at the
Red River Meeting House

“But the year 1800 exceeds all that my eyes ever beheld upon earth. All that I have related is only, as it were, an introduction. Although many souls in these congregation, during the three preceding years, have been savingly converted, and now give living evidences of their union to Christ; yet all that work is only like a few drops before a mighty rain, when compared with the wonders of Almighty Grace, that took place in the year 1800.”
James M’Gready – Logan County, Kentucky, October 23, 1801

Open Year Round - Dawn to Dusk
Meeting House reservations for group use is recommended.
Modern restrooms open by rental.
Monthly Church Services at the Meetinghouse
First Sunday of every month at 3:00 pm CST, except December which is at 4:00 pm CST
The church service is held by Tom Ruley. Speakers vary.
For upcoming events click here.
Part of the Kentucky Faith Trail