Map Showing the Location of M’Gready’s Churches
Approximate (Direct) Distances
M’Gready’s home to Muddy River Church ……… 5.3 miles
M’Gready’s home to Gasper River Church ……. 15.3 miles
M’Gready’s home to Red River Church ……..10.3 miles
Muddy River to Gasper River ……… 10.3 miles
Red River to Gasper River ……… 15.7 miles
Red River to Muddy River ……..10.5 miles
Complete Circuit “as the crow flies” ………..about 42 miles
Gasper River Church was located in the trees above.
The Muddy River Church was located a short distance from the above photos. This is the location where the Sacrament Service was held on the third weekend of August, 1800. The meeting was moved to this location because the building could not hold the number of people that were in attendance.